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Navigating Food Allergies: A Mom's Journey to Creating Lush&Luna

Navigating Food Allergies: A Mom's Journey to Creating Lush&Luna

I can’t believe I’m writing a blog article – who am I?! I never saw myself as a storyteller or writer, but here I am, giving it a shot. I'm excited to share my journey and shine a light on parenting children with severe food allergies.

It all began 4 years ago when my daughter, just 5 months old at the time, broke out in hives all over her body after I touched her with egg remnants on my fingers. As a first-time mom, I was terrified! What had I done wrong? What did this mean? Panic set in as I scrambled to contact her pediatrician. Fast forward through a referral to a pediatric allergist, skin pricks, blood work, food challenges, and an Auvi-Q prescription: it was clear. My daughter was allergic to dairy and eggs. Within that first year, we also discovered she was anaphylactic to lentils, chickpeas, peas, pea protein, and peanuts.

In that moment, life as I knew it changed. No one in our family had a history of food allergies, so this was uncharted territory. I felt an overwhelming sadness for my daughter and a deep sense of fear as her mother. I knew I had to learn everything I could about living with severe food allergies to educate both myself and my daughter.

I immediately went into full allergy mom mode. Our bags were always packed with Clorox wipes, safe snacks and lunches, placemats, our own safe silverware, and Auvi-Q’s. I was constantly vigilant, ensuring my daughter didn’t pick up anything off the playground (like snacks left behind), touch contaminated handrails, or be given her allergens by someone unaware of her condition.

Fast forward to today, and I now have twin 12-month-old sons who have also been diagnosed with food allergies (eggs, milk, peanuts, and almonds). Never in a million years did I think all three of my children would have food allergies, but I feel 1,000 times more prepared and confident as a food allergy parent now. My experience has fueled a passion to educate others and spread awareness about food allergies and their severity.

It's crucial to understand that small actions can make a big difference. Simple practices like avoiding snacks on the playground, wiping down surfaces after using a public space, being mindful of foods in shared environments, considering food allergies during birthday celebrations in classroom settings, and being inclusive during food activities at school can create a safer world for children with food allergies.

Living with food allergies is a whole new world, and I want others to understand and be part of the change. This journey has also inspired me to start Lush&Luna, a brand creating lush loungewear for littles.. A percentage of our proceeds is donated to food allergy research and awareness organizations, combining my passion for comfort with my commitment to making a difference.

Thank you for joining me on this journey. Together, we can create a more inclusive and safe environment for all children.

Lush&Luna coming Fall 2024

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